Plastic Surgery

There are many mysteries and misconceptions around breast implants, but two of the most common questions that have been coming up lately in my practice are rippling and flipping. Here rippling and flipping implant questions are answered. Rippling Rippling describes seeing the folds of the implant through...

On Wednesday, the FDA asked manufacturers and medical professionals to better inform women about the potential hazards of breast implants. The federal agency has approved saline and silicone gel implants for augmenting breast size, breast cancer reconstruction, correcting developmental defects, and to “improve: the result of previous surgery, but...

Breast reduction surgery, also known as a reduction mammaplasty, is a surgery where breast tissue and skin are removed to reduce the size of the breasts while also re-shaping and lifting them. This surgery can not only help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with...

After recent increased concerns around breast implant safety, which prompted an FDA hearing in March 2019 focused on this issue, certain types of textured breast implants and tissue expanders with textured surfaces have now been taken off the market. Here’s some information that may help you sort...

In the midst of processing everything after finding out you have breast cancer, thinking about what to expect after surgery can easily get lost. While everyone’s recovery is a little different, and it’s always best to check with your surgeon about their specific recommendations, here’s...

Concerns about the safety of breast implants have been all over the news lately, but the information presented is often confusing and can lead to more questions than answers. In order to really understand all of the information, it’s important to know some basics about breast...

I’m currently only weeks away from my one year “cancerversary” from being diagnosed with Stage I breast cancer at age 37 and am finding myself taken back to where I was last year in getting ready to be on the “other side of the scalpel”...

Finding out you have breast cancer can be overwhelming on so many levels. In the midst of all of the initial appointments, it can be difficult to understand which providers you need to see and how each one is involved in your care. Here are some...

What is Fat Grafting & How Is It Used in Reconstruction? What is Fat Grafting? Over recent years, taking fat from one part of the body and using it to add volume to another part of the body has become increasingly popular.The question arises: What is fat...