Why I Love Setting New Year’s Intentions Instead of Resolutions

Why I Love Setting New Year’s Intentions Instead of Resolutions

For many years I, probably like many of you, made resolutions on December 31st for what I wanted to achieve for the coming year. They were usually very concrete goals with success measured by whether I accomplished them or not. And while the athlete in me loves having goals to strive for and the deep satisfaction of meeting them, it never felt like I was building a bigger picture strategy for how I wanted to live my life and interact with the world around me. 

The switch to setting intentions, which are broader and more around implementing new practices or embracing new mindsets, has been so good for me in terms of really getting excited about the impact it’s going to have on my life. This year I’m setting intentions around saying yes to personal and professional commitments that really feed my soul and allow me the deep connections with others that I love so much, which is already making me feel excited about taking on 2024, plus making more space for creativity and quiet. Having this framework helps so much for the choices I make and how I live each day, which for me is such a better fit for heading into the new year than just setting resolutions. 

Wishing all of you a very healthy and happy start to 2024 full of heart-filling intentions!